Manufacturers, without exception, had to start designing a plan to reduce their production costs in order to improve productivity. Within these plans, one of its main objectives was to reduce the emission of polluting particles.
Volkswagen, in spite of the scandal of the dieselgate, has been implementing a plan known as Think Blue for years, a phrase also used in some of its advertising campaigns but which in the background envisages a way of working more ecofriendly. The German firm was currently working based on the goals designed for the year 2018 but it has already achieved the desired efficiency.
For this reason, in order to cleanse their balky reputation for what happened during the past year, they have decided to improve the forecasts for the next time horizon, contemplated for 2025. Do you want to know some of the optimistic forecasts they intend to achieve? Here you have them
How Volkswagen production will be in the next decade
Possibly, when reading the introduction you have remembered about Tesla Motors. The electric vehicle company is one of the manufacturers that most respect the environment but even so, it will not be comparable in 8 years. Why? Substituting the current way of producing would cost billions for the VAG Group's signature, which makes them difficult to compare.
Volkswagen intends to remain one of the pioneers in the industry in terms of changes in the way of working is concerned. In this way, the intensive use of solvents will be reduced by up to 40%, which will cause a decrease in the amount of polluting particles that will leak into the atmosphere.
The Think Blue plan includes segmented departments where all the planned improvements are concentrated to lower production and, above all, improve efficiency when dumping waste. Thus, for example, in the area of painting is intended to reduce up to 15% energy expenditure and use of material of the section.
The optimization aims to reach the water bill. As has been known, since 2010 the efficiency of use in production has been improved up to 27%, improving the expectation for the coming years,
In the global scope, it has been achieved since 2010 to improve up to 25% efficiency when producing, for example, a Golf, so the next step is to continue reducing the pollution that is generated with each of the units that leave the factory every day.
The intention is positive and if they comply with the budgeted ones, they will be able to improve production, but is it credible? Time will tell. Even so, the burden of the fraud of the emissions damaged the company a lot when the information was published, so this is nothing more than a facelift for the most reticent company followers.
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